What Kind of Cases Do Personal Injury Lawyers Take?

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Personal injury law, sometimes referred to as tort law, is the practice of protecting individuals and their property from injury or harm due to another person’s actions or lack of action.

In a successful personal injury case, the other party is deemed to be “at fault,” regardless of whether the actions were an accident, intentional, or due to negligence. Although according to the American Bar Association, negligence is the most common basis for personal injury suits.

All personal injury claims involve both liability and damages. It’s your lawyer’s job to prove that the defendant is liable for your injury and damages. A personal injury lawyer will help you get the justice you deserve under the right circumstances, but what cases will this type of lawyer take?

Car accidents 

One type of case that a personal injury lawyer often takes is an automobile accident. If you’re harmed in a car accident, you may be wondering what to do next. A skilled lawyer can assist you in dealing with car repairs, medical bills, and lost wages due to injuries, as well as getting you the appropriate compensation you deserve.

Medical malpractice 

Another type of case that personal injury attorneys handle is medical malpractice. The case is brought against doctors, nurses, EMTs, and hospitals that are accused of professional negligence. Negligence in the medical field can take many forms, including failing to provide their duty of care to the patient, misdiagnosing or failing to diagnose, and medication mistakes. 

Many medical malpractice cases are settled outside of court if the hospital admits fault. Most doctors have malpractice insurance which they use to pay off the plaintiff, in exchange for the plaintiff giving up any future right to sue again.

If you believe you’ve been a victim of medical malpractice, it’s wise to hire a personal injury lawyer, as these cases can be very complicated. As such, a lawyer will be able to help you gather the right evidence and find expert witnesses.

Work-related injuries

Unfortunately, workplace injuries are common. Employees have to deal with hazardous conditions, which result in injuries such as back pain from heavy lifting, chemical burns, falling objects, falls due to wet floors or ice, power tool injuries, and more. 

Most workers assume their injuries, damages, and lost wages will be covered because of their workman’s comp insurance. And it’s often true that you’ll receive some compensation, although it doesn’t cover much nor does it reimburse you for your pain and suffering.

However, receiving workman’s comp doesn’t mean that you can’t sue the company. Some reasons for suing include injuries due to a defective product, injuries caused by a third party, or complications from handling toxic chemicals. 

Animal attacks 

While hiring a personal injury lawyer for an animal bite may seem extreme, having a skilled lawyer on your side can help you recoup any damages and medical bills. Often times, victims of an animal attack end up in the emergency room.

Stitches may be required, and in serious cases, plastic surgery may be an option. Liability depends on the state you live in, as each state has different rules, but a lawyer can help you find out the laws in your state and work to get you the compensation needed for medical bills and missed work.

Injuring yourself can be challenging, both financially and emotionally. During this time of hardship, hiring a skilled lawyer can help you sort everything out, as well as work to get you the benefits to which you’re entitled.