A Guide to Tour Operator Booking Software for Beginners

a man and woman sitting at a table with a laptop and a coffee cup

Travel and tourism are a huge industry throughout the United States. With such a wide variety of places to see and landscapes to marvel at, it’s no wonder people love to pack up and hit the road. From seeing the sights on the East Coast to the wide-open plains of Oklahoma and the hustle and bustle of Hollywood, there’s so much to enjoy all across the country.

If you run a tour company, chances are you’re pretty proud of the tourist attraction you have in your own backyard. No matter where you are or what kind of tour or attraction you’re promoting, you can improve and benefit your services with more effective booking software. After all, when people are planning their trips, most of them like to know where they’re going and get a few things scheduled. Help them find your tour offerings with ease when you utilize software that is designed for that exact purpose. Here’s a basic guide to tour operation booking software and how you can use it to benefit your organization.

What is booking software?

Almost everything in the modern age takes place online. This includes your tour booking. Booking software is essentially the reservation system that tour companies will use to set times and get everyone set for their tour. Online booking makes it fast and easy for your guests to make their reservations and get all the information they need right away. The best tour operator booking software will give you a good amount of flexibility while managing your availability right in the program. Make your reservation management work better for your tour business with the right online booking system for you.

Make sure you train your team on how to use all the accessories.

One of the first things you’ll want to do when you get your booking software is train your tour team on how to use it. Especially if you’re used to more low-tech ways of booking, you’ll need to figure out all the perks and extras that your new tour operator software can offer. Consult the experts and do some exploring to find all the ways your staff can benefit from your new booking process.

Integrate your software with your specific tour needs.

Depending on the tour company you run, you’re going to have different needs and information to share when people sign up. For example, some tours may require your guests to sign a waiver if you’re participating in something that could be somewhat dangerous. You can include that directly in their booking platform. Make sure the direct sales that you make through your booking system are completely customized to you and your needs.

Set up your online payment portal.

Reserving a tour is the ultimate goal of any booking platform. That also means you’ll need to take down payments and get all that information squared away while you’re doing the booking. You can charge all the booking fees directly online. Whether that includes rentals or prices of the overall tours, you can include all those details and get your direct bookings settled before they show up.

Find ways to benefit and accommodate larger groups.

One of the biggest benefits of online booking means you can set up tours for groups of any size. Whether it’s a small family coming for a spring break vacation or a large group exploring a new city for the first time, you can figure out ways to accommodate for that. Book larger events with a setup that works for everyone. This will help you prepare for those big days while giving everyone peace of mind that the situation is completely settled with their confirmed online booking.